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7:05 p.m. - 2008-10-18
Brother! We don't shake hands, we gotta hug!

Thanks for dispelling my fears and stuff. I do get inside my head a bit, with the worryin and all this. But if you ever wanted to tell me somethin and didn't want the 'rents to know, you could just say don't tell them. and I wouldn't cuz one of my best traits is secret keeping.
and also there is a super sweet gift coming to you in the next week or so, so you should watch for that.
And also if I ever find out who is being a dick to you at work, I'm going to go down there next time I'm there and be a SUPER asshole customer!! Not kidding. Oh yeah brother, I'm in the fucking recliner!!! Cuz you don't fuck with the brotherhood!



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